Imposter Syndrome | Hudson Shribman

Imposter Syndrome: Is self-doubt holding you back?

It’s tricky to follow your dreams, be confident and decisive and take risks when you have the voice of doubt always in your head. Imposter syndrome refers to the feeling that one’s achievements will be revealed as being fraudulent and that one is not capable of their role. These are our tips to prevent it …

British engineering companies

Top British Engineering Companies to Work For

The recent coronavirus crisis has really highlighted the difference in British engineering companies in how they look after their staff. Jobs that seemed totally secure disappeared overnight, corporate giants like British Airways have been significantly diminished and management bonuses have somehow been retained at the cost of vulnerable workers. On the other side, however, some …

STAR Method | Hudson Shribman

Using the STAR method in job interviews

The STAR method for answering questions in a job interview is a great structure to be aware of. When you’re nervous it’s sometimes tricky to express yourself in a simple, logical way and this method is designed to give clarity to your answers. The STAR method is often used in competency-based interviews where a candidate …

Hiring Recent Graduates

Hiring recent graduates: What to look for

You may hear people complain of a lack of real-world knowledge displayed by recent graduates but that rather misses the point. When hiring recent graduates you are investing in their introduction to the world of work. Although we recommend to students that industrial placements and work experience can really boost their chances of finding work, …